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    Prayer Book

    Welcome to the Prayer Book.

    If you need prayer, please post your prayer request here, and we at John Stone Ministries will pray for you. We also ask that when you visit this Prayer Book, that you pray for the needs of others.

    Thank you, and may God bless you.

    323 views27 comments


    Nov 20, 2023

    I would love for you to pray for me please. I never ask for prayers for myself, but as of late I think I need it. A little less than 2 years ago I had a stroke. Thank God the only deficit I had was speech for a good 6 months. Now I thought I had a virus, couldn’t catch my breath and then it was found I had pulmonary embolism‘s many both lungs. With a virus. I’m miserable. thank you for your kindness.


    Jul 09, 2023

    To be delivered from alcohol

    Peace at my job


    Jun 19, 2023

    Please pray for a miracle of healing for my skin lesions and depression. Thank yo.


    Apr 13, 2023

    Thank you for having a prayer request. Though I feel I am blessed I still need prayer for stomach pain on & off. Knee and back and leg pain. Protection for my 91 year old mom and my friends have all cast me aside. I’m a good person but obviously something’s not right if 3 to 5 friends are no Longer friends with me. please pray for better friends and my heart’s desire. In Jesus name amen 🙏🏼


    Please pray for us a stonger Faith for the family of Gutierrez, ricardo, Herminia and our Son Joseph angelo and his wife mary maica cheng and children, isaiah keijah , twin shaun gion and shaun dion the parents theson and his children have head or skull injuries because they fell on cemented floors,because of pandemic virus we or they struggle in job and financial crisis, they got sick, and my son was fighting to earn to give food to eat for his family and children, iask and pray to God and other Priest and nuns in different convent and churches in catholic religion, for many years, and ask prayers for healing of sickness,stronger Faith,for protection , God's Guidance,For Blessings a…

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